September 8
Let’s Talk/ Bridging the Divide: What’s A Vote Worth Panel Discussion
September 8, 6:00 pm
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LET’S TALK | BRIDGING THE DIVIDE — What is a Vote Worth?
What is a vote worth? With the November election drawing near, we tackle that question as we commemorate the centennial of a woman’s right to vote, look at the recent bipartisan agreement on absentee ballots in Kentucky’s primary elections, and address ongoing concerns about voter suppression. Join us for a great discussion with panelists Joshua Douglas, Prof. at UK’s College of Law; Michael Adams, Secretary of State (KY); Rick Green, Editor of The Courier Journal; Sadiqa Reynolds, Pres. of the Louisville Urban League; and Amina Elahi, City Reporter at WFPL News. Co-moderated by Rachel Platt and Renee Shaw, host of KET’s Kentucky Tonight.
This virtual program is sponsored by: National Council of Jewish Women, Louisville Section, Wells Fargo, and Louisville Public Media
Community sponsor: Lean into Louisville