Intern Lobby Day: Improving Hate Crime Reporting to Protect our Communities

Over the week of July 22, 2024, NCJW’s Summer Government Relations and Advocacy (GR&A) interns, Lena Levey and Ethan Simon, went to Capitol Hill to advocate for the Improving Reporting to Prevent Hate Act (H.R.7648). This legislation aims to improve hate crime data reporting to support government and local communities in addressing and preventing hate crimes. 

Lena met with the staff of Senators Ben Cardin and Chris Van Hollen, as well as Representative Jamie Raskin. Ethan engaged with the staff of Senators John Fetterman and Bob Casey, along with Representative Madeleine Dean. Lena and Ethan were joined by the Director of GR&A Darcy Hirsh, Legislative Counsel Smriti Krishnan, and Associate Director of GR&A Talya Steinberg.

Lena and Ethan each had the opportunity to share the ways hate, specifically antisemitism, has impacted their lives and their communities. They both tied their personal experiences to the Improving Reporting to Prevent Hate Act, emphasizing the importance of accurate data to address hate. When the negative power of hate-motivated violence is recognized, government and community activists can mobilize the proper resources and policy responses. As Jewish advocates who understand how rising hate in any form threatens all of our communities and democracy, Lena and Ethan demonstrated their passion to ensure that the government will do everything in its power to track and prevent hate crimes.

Lobbying their representatives as a culmination of their research throughout the summer was a valuable hands-on experience for Lena and Ethan as they further their work in policy and advocacy. Both gained a critical understanding of the process required to turn the gears of the legislative process, a foundational function of our country’s democracy. Over the course of their Lobby Day planning, they learned about why hate crimes are underreported and the urgency of advancing reporting to protect communities from hate. 


Want to join us? Take action by urging your lawmakers to support the Improving Reporting to Prevent Act here!

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